Rock your summer whites with a hint of pink to support Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater & raise awareness for breast cancer.
To kick off our biggest year yet, riseVB will host a Summer Soiree at The Cavalier Beach Club – a premier and exclusive event venue at the Oceanfront in Virginia Beach. With tickets selling out in less than 2 hours for our 500 person event, Beach Ball, we expect tickets to this event to fly.
So join us on July 13th as we rock our summer whites with a hint of pink to support Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater and raise awareness for breast cancer.

Summer Cocktail Style.
Saturday, July 13, 2019. Rain or shine.
8 o’clock in the evening.
The Cavalier’s Beach Club on 42nd Street at the Oceanfront.
Live music by WOAH! a 90s band.
Professional photography by Dustin Lewis.

This Year’s Beneficiary

In our fifth year, riseVB will support the Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater (CCFoT), a local nonprofit that provides emotional support, guidance and financial assistance to people touched by cancer in our community. Moved by CCFoT’s mission to fight cancer with kindness and motivated by the the board’s personal ties to breast cancer, riseVB is dedicating year five to raising awareness and fighting against the disease.